Wednesday, May 5, 2021

A quick Celtic update

I've had unfortunately little time to paint anything recently, and subsequently have also been a bit quiet on the blog-front. However, I found some time this Bank Holiday Weekend to finish off some more Celtic reinforcements in the form of some light infantry javelin troops. I think these are Heroics and Ros figures - there's a slight scale difference with the more heroic-scale Baccus figures, and so I don't think I could get away with mixing them on the same base, but they work absolutely fine in their own units.

And with these bases finished, this brings me to the end of a full division! Hopefully I'll find time to take some shots of the full complement of bases this week.

Until next time!

A quick Celtic update

I've had unfortunately little time to paint anything recently, and subsequently have also been a bit quiet on the blog-front. However, I...