Sunday, February 28, 2021

The first finished division

 I thought I'd end the month with another quick update - a shot of the first completed Sumerian city-state division. Five units - two pikemen blocks, two small archer units and one of chariots - with an accompanying commander. Next will be to finish the tribal reinforcements, and then add a whole host of elamites, and then some more pikemen, and then-...

Until next time!

Sumerian reinforcements

 Another quick update today - the start of a second, tribal division for the Sumerian army. The first block is a small unit of Amorites, and a commander. I managed to rattle all of these out pretty quickly in one painting session - one of the many joys of 6mm miniatures!

I went for a bit of colour on these figures, more for visual interest than historical accuracy, as otherwise a early Sumerian army has a risk of being a bit 'fifty shades of beige'. I added strips of red and blue along the edges of garments. The commander stand echoes this, with striped cloth, representing their comparative wealth. I'm really proud of these figures; they pushed the limits of my abilities with 6mm, but they couldn't have come out better.

There actually aren't any companies providing 6mm Amorites, so I had to improvise somewhat. The figures are actually Irregular immortals from their Achaemenid range. Unfortunately they come with a quiver on their back, but other than that I think they're pretty good stand-ins. Plus, if I ever decide to start a Persian army, I'm already one unit down...

The rest of this division should be quite quick to finish up, with some stands of Gutian tribal warriors and some skirmishers; hopefully I'll be able to showcase these soon. Until next time"

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The pitter patter of tiny hooves

 Just a brief update today, and the start of a second 6mm project. I've amasssed a lot of Baccus and Heroics and Ros Celts, which I intended to use a part of a larger Punic Wars project I've been toying with. The joy of Celtic units is their versatility; they might be allied divisions for either a Carthaginian or Republican Roman army, or alternatively (as is inevitably the case) the core of an army in their own right...

To test the scheme, I decided to quickly paint up a Command stand and unit of cavalry. I'm really happy with how these turned out; I think the shield designs I tried scale quite nicely to 6mm size, and are still 'legible' without making the shields too cluttered. 

And here are some close ups of the commander. I'm really enjoying these figures; a core colour scheme of red, blue and green alternated across figures hits a nice balance between individuality, and the riot of colour that would have been such an army, but also some sense of cohesiveness. 

As always, let me know what you think. Until next time!

A quick Celtic update

I've had unfortunately little time to paint anything recently, and subsequently have also been a bit quiet on the blog-front. However, I...